Glamourous Rags


This is a repository for some of my paid work of which I am particularly fond and any rants I feel like posting.

The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon
Lost Years by Christopher Isherwood
The Lesbian Heresy by Sheila Jeffreys
Virtually Normal by Andrew Sullivan
United States (Essays 1952-92) by Gore Vidal
Pandora's Handbag: Adventures In The Book World by Elizabeth Young
The Seven Basic Plots by Christopher Booker
X-Men 2, Daredevil, & The Hulk
I, Robot & Spiderman 2
Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow
Philip K. Dick
Clive Barker
Why Tolkien?

This page was printed out from Roz Kaveney's website at If you have further questions, please visit that website for more information.