Glamourous Rags

About Roz Kaveney

I'm a bit older than most people in the fandom - I just turned 52. I have a long and complicated personal history which I am in the process of turning into a huge memoir; crucial facts are that I was reared Catholic but got over it, was born male but got over it, stopped sleeping with boys about the time I stopped being one and am much happier than I was when I was younger.

A UK resident who has lived in the US a bit, I have a certain distinction in the SF field as a critic, have at various points been seriously involved in civil liberties and anticensorship politics and write for various reasonably reputable newspapers and periodicals

I like moonlighting as a committed fan - I never had that much serious credibility to lose, and haven't lost what I had anyway.

I spend too much time listening to an unholy mixture of Bach, Shostakovich, Springsteen, Patti Smith, Ella Fitzgerald and Lotte Lenya.

Email her at

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