Glamourous Rags


May I say, thanks to everyone who likes my books. Suddenly I am getting paid, a bit, for doing something I really enjoy and plan to go on doing. The book on teen films is next to be followed by one on Superheroes in films and comics and another sf and fantasy film collection. I am also getting to write essays for other people's collections, and never have to edit another book or herd people into deadlines again. The bliss!

My books are published by I.B. Tauris, and, apart from my own books, they will be publishing collections I have contributed to.

Reading The Vampire Slayer - The New, Updated Unofficial Guide To Buffy And Angel
I wanted there to be a serious critical book out there that drew on good critical journalism as well as on academic criticism; I left the academy long ago and have some serious reservations about how it manages its affairs. It seemed to me that there were approaches to intelligent understanding of Buffy that might not come up in a purely academic set of studies, that a book which drew on several sorts of critical insight was going to be a useful one.
From Alien To The Matrix - Reading Science Fiction Film
My editor asked for a book on sf film, and I said, yes, as long as it can be individual essays rather than a history, because there are lots of histories. FAttM became a bit more than a book of essays, mostly at the last moment when I sat down and thought about what I had done and gave it a theoretical underpinning.

This page was printed out from Roz Kaveney's website at If you have further questions, please visit that website for more information.